Malaysia - Liew WK - RF Lens World - Canon Philippines

    Liew WK

    Liew WK (Malaysia)

    Liew WK's interest in nature since youth spurred his interest in nature photography. Whether it is still or video imagery, he revels in capturing nature's best floras and faunas. In 2005, around when digital photography took flight, he began taking nature photography seriously and specialised in insect macro shots, wildlife as well as landscape genres. For the past 7 to 8 years he spent an average of 250 days in the forest and his experience is highly sought-after, locally and across the region.

    Among his notable mentions are:

    • 1st Prize Winner of the Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM) Photo Competition in 2009
    • The Official Photographer for the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment's Book "Rimba Bidor: A Gift to Nature"
    • Being a frequent contributor to a local photography magazine

    Liew believes that nature photography is now more important than ever. Apart from portraying the beauty of our environment, it helps to document and record nature conservation, wildlife protection, drive environmental action and he is committed to doing just that.

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