Export Still Images after Changing their Size


    Category : Using the Software
    Description : Export Still Images after Changing their Size
    Export Still Images after Changing their Size

    In order to perform this operation, it is necessary to install [ZoomBrowser EX] from the CD-ROM (Solution Disk) supplied with the product.
    Operations for Windows Vista are explained here. Images displayed or operation might differ slightly in Windows XP and Windows 2000.

    1. Double-click the [ZoomBrowser EX] shortcut icon on your desktop to start [ZoomBrowser EX].

    If you cannot find the [ZoomBrowser EX] shortcut icon on your desktop, click [Start] () → [All Programs] or [Programs] → [Canon Utilities] → [ZoomBrowser EX] and select [ZoomBrowser EX] to start ZoomBrowser EX.

    2. The following screen appears.

    Click [Export].
    Click [Export Still Images].

    3. The following screen appears.

    Select either [Favorite Folders] or [All Folders], andselect the folder that contains the images to export.
    Images exported to ZoomBrowser EX are usually saved in the [Pictures] or [My Pictures] folder.
    Select the image to export. If you wish to select multiple images, click the images while holding the <Ctrl> key on the keyboard.
    After selecting the images to export, click [Specify Export Settings].

    4. The following screen appears.

    Check [Resize images during export] ()。to change the image size. Set either the long side or short side for size change. The other side will be set automatically in order to maintain the same ratio.
    Check [Change image type] () to change image type and image quality. [.bmp], [.jpg], and [.tif] can be selected for an image type, but if you select the image type other than [.jpg], the shooting information (Exif information) will not be saved. [Quality] becomes higher as you slide the bar to the right side.
    Select the location to save. If you select [Current Folder], [_1] will be added after the file name when it is saved. The original file will not be overwritten.
    The selected location will be displayed.
    Clicking [Finish] will start exporting of the images.
    If you select [Desktop] for the location where images will be saved, there are cases in which the files will not be displayed even after exporting is completed. If so, press the <F5> key on the keyboard and try updating the desktop.

    This completes the process of exporting still images and changing their size.