Adjust vividness and color balance. Use this function to brighten colors that have faded with time or due to colorcast.
In ScanGear's Advanced Mode, click the [Saturation/Color Balance] button.
Adjust the image's saturation (vividness). You can brighten colors that have faded with time, etc. The natural color tone of the original image may be lost if you increase saturation too much.
Adjust images that have a colorcast. You can adjust the following color balances.
Cyan & Red
Magenta & Green
Yellow & Blue
These are complementary color pairs (each pair produces a shade of gray when mixed). You can reproduce the natural colors of the scene by reducing the cast color and increasing the complementary color.
It is usually difficult to correct the image completely by adjusting only one color pair. It is recommended that you find a portion in the image where it should be white, and adjust all three color pairs so that the portion turns white.
Below is an example of an image in which the "Cyan & Red" pair has been adjusted.
This function is disabled when [Color Mode] is set to [Black and White], [Grayscale] or [Text Enhanced] (Windows only).