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CPU: Intel Pentium/133 MHz or faster (USB1.1), Intel Pentium II or higher (USB2.0)
Memory: 128 MB or more
Microsoft Windows XP
CPU: Intel Pentium/Celeron series 300 MHz or faster (USB1.1), Intel Pentium II or higher (USB2.0)
Memory: 128 MB or more
Microsoft Windows Server 2003* (*Network only)
CPU: Intel Pentium/Celeron series 133 MHz or faster
Memory: 128 MB or more
Microsoft Windows Vista
CPU: Intel Pentium 800 MHz or faster
Memory: 512 MB or more
If you are using Windows 2000, you need to install Service Pack 4 or later.
If you use Remote UI, you need Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 SP4 or later (Internet Explorer 6 or later is recommended).
Windows: IBM-PC compatibles
PC equipped with a USB port and the USB class driver installed
The USB 2.0 Hi Speed connection requires a PC equipped with a CPU higher than Intel Pentium ll, more than 128 MB of RAM, and with Windows Vista, Windows XP service pack released later than SP1 or Windows 2000 SP4 installed. If your PC meets all of these requirements and is preinstalled with USB 2.0 Host Controller, the USB 2.0 connection will be guaranteed.
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