How do I burn images to a CD-R / RW using ZoomBrowser?



      • [ZoomBrowser EX] from the supplied Solution Disk must be installed on your computer for this operation.
      • Operations for Windows Vista are explained here. Images displayed or operation might differ slightly in Windows XP.

      1. Place a CD-R / RW disc in the CD-R / RW drive. If a window like the one below appears, click () or [Cancel] to close this screen.

      2. Double-click the [ZoomBrowser EX] shortcut icon on your desktop to start [ZoomBrowser EX].

      If you cannot find the [ZoomBrowser EX] shortcut icon on your desktop, click [Start] () > [All Programs] or [Programs] > [Canon Utilities] > [ZoomBrowser EX] and select [ZoomBrowser EX] to start ZoomBrowser EX.

      3. The following screen appears.

      Click [Export].

      4. The following screen appears.

      From the items listed in the menu, click [Backup to CD].

      5. The following screen appears.

      Select either [Favorite Folders] or [All Folders], and select the folder that contains the images to save the CD-R / RW disc. Images exported to [ZoomBrowser EX] are usually saved in [Pictures] or [My Pictures] folder.
      Click the image-selection button (), and select [Select All].
      If you wish to select individual images to record to the CD-R / RW disc, click the images while holding the [Ctrl] key on the keyboard.
      After selecting the images to save to the CD-R / RW disc, click [Specify Backup Settings].

      6. The following screen appears.

      Select the CD-R / RW drive connected to the PC.
      Enter a CD title (the title can be anything you like).
      Usually you can use the setting [Fastest]. If the [Speed] is slower, the chances of failure to write to the CD-R / RW disc are lower.
      Click [Start Backup].

      The following screen appears when writing is completed.

      7. The following screen appears when writing is completed.