How to set Continuous Shooting



      You can shoot continuously at a maximum speed of approximately 0.9 images/second while the <shutter button> is pressed fully and held. (When shooting continuously in [Low Light] () mode, the maximum speed is approximately 2.6 images/second)
      • For continuous shooting, the focus and exposure are locked when the <shutter button> is pressed halfway.
      • For a certain interval, images may not be recorded, and the shooting speed for may slow down depending on the shooting conditions and the camera settings.
      • As the number of images increases, the shooting speed may slow down.
      • If the flash fires, the shooting speed may slow down.
      • In the following shooting modes, you cannot set the [Continuous Shooting] ().
      - [AUTO] (), [Face Self-Timer] (), [Movie] ()

      1. Set the <Mode Switch> to [Shooting] () and then press the <Power> button.

      2. Press the <FUNC./SET> () button.

      3. The following screen appears on the LCD monitor.

      Operate the <directional buttons> up or down to select the [Single Shot] ().
      Operate the <directional buttons> left or right to select the [Continuous Shooting] ().
      Press the <FUNC./SET> () button.

      4. The following screen appears on the LCD monitor.

      If the [Continuous Shooting] () icon is displayed on the upper-left part of the screen, the setting is completed.
      As long as you hold the <shutter button> down, the camera will shoot successive images.

      • Continuous shooting speed increases in [Low Light] () mode. (Approx. 2.6 images/sec.)
      - To set the shooting mode to [Low Light] () , follow the instructions below.
      1. Set the <Mode Switch> to [Shooting] ().
      2. Press the <FUNC./SET> () button.
      3. Operate the <directional buttons> up or down to select [Shooting Mode] is displayed on the upper-left part of the screen. ( [Program AE] () appears if settings have not been changed before.)
      4. Operate the <directional buttons> left and right to select [Shooting Mode] on the right. ( [Face Self-Timer] () appears if settings have not been changed before.)
      5. Press the <DISP.> () button.
      6. Operate the <directional buttons> left or right to select [Low Light] ().
      7. Press the <FUNC./SET> () button.