One flash at 1-second intervals | The remaining charge of the battery pack is less than 50% of a full charge. |
two flashes at 1-second intervals | The remaining charge of the battery pack is at least 50% of a full charge. |
Turns off without flashing | Charging has completed. |
one flash at 0.5-second intervals | - Charging has stopped because the compact power adapter or the battery pack is faulty. Consult a Canon Service Center. |
one flash at 2-second intervals | - The temperature of the battery pack is outside the charging range. If the battery pack’s temperature is below 0 deg C (32 deg F), warm it before charging it; if it is above 40 deg C (104 deg F), let the battery pack cool down before charging it. - Charge the battery pack in temperatures between 0 deg C and 40 deg C (32 deg F and 104 deg F). - The battery pack is damaged. Use a different battery pack. |