Name of components and information displayed on the screen (PowerShot ELPH 500 HS / IXUS 310 HS)



    Front Panel

    Zoom Lever
    hooting : (Telephoto) / (Wide Angle)
    Playback : (Magnify) / (Index)
    Shutter ButtonTripod Socket
    Power ButtonDC Coupler Terminal Cover
    Mode SwitchMemory Card / Battery Cover

    Back Panel

    Screen (LCD Monitor)A/V OUT (Audio/Video Output) / DIGITAL Terminal
    Strap Mount (Playback) Button
    HDMI TerminalIndicator

    Shooting (Information Display)

    Shooting Mode, Scene IconFlash Mode
    Camera Orientation*Red-Eye Correction
    White BalanceSelf-Timer
    My ColorsDate Stamp
    Drive ModeDISP. (Display)
    Exposure Compensation AmountND Filter
    Camera Shake WarningGrid Lines
    FUNC. (Function)AE Lock, FE Lock
    Battery Charge IndicatorShutter Speed
    Compression (Image Quality) / Recording PixelsAperture Value
    Eye-Fi Connection StatusMetering Method
    Recordable Shotsi-Contrast
    Image Quality (Movies)ISO Speed
    AF FrameSuper Slow Motion Movie Shooting Time
    Remaining TimeZoom Bar
    Spot AE Point FrameBlink Detection
    Focusing Range, AF LockImage Stabilizer
    Digital Zoom Magnification / Digital TeleconverterTime Zone
    Shooting Movies

    * : Standard, : Held vertically
    When shooting, the camera detects if it is held vertically or horizontally, and adjusts
    settings accordingly for the best shot. It also detects orientation during playback, so you
    can hold the camera in either orientation and it will automatically rotate images for correct
    This function may not operate correctly when the camera is pointed straight up or down.

    Playback (Detailed Information Display)

    Index DisplayShutter Speed (Still Images), Image Quality / Frame Rate (Movies)
    My CategoryAperture Value
    Movies, Highspeed Burst, Shooting ModeExposure Compensation Amount
    ISO Speed, Playback Speed (Movies)Flash
    ND FilterFocusing Range
    White Balancei-Contrast
    HistogramFile Size
    Recording Pixels, MOV (Movies)DISP. (Display)
    FUNC. (Function)Compression (Image Quality)
    Print ListGroup Playback, Image Editing
    Eye-Fi Transfer CompleteProtect
    Battery Charge IndicatorFavorites
    Metering MethodMy Colors
    Folder Number – File NumberRed-Eye Correction
    Displayed image number / Total number of imagesShooting Date and Time
    No Information DisplayStill Images : Recording Pixels / Movies : Movie Length